Friday, February 19, 2010

Branding it.

Good evening everyone :)

So I figured... a new company, a new me? Some new clothes, shoes, and even a little salon pampering? Husband didn't budge.  But I got a little salon pampering out of the deal! :)

We've been working so hard at getting a bunch of the final details set for the company. We were working with this awesome graphics and web designer who really gets what our image is & we're soo excited to share all of this with you!  Feedback on the site?  

Enjoy the rest of your evening, all.  I'll leave you with a very inspirational quote, one we hold and value closely:

"The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams." -Og Mandino, author The Greatest Salesman in the World. (found through Nightingale-Conant)

Monday, February 8, 2010

So we just started this company...

Hi! I'm Gabriela - it's really great to meet you. :) I know I've got about another 4 seconds before you change blogs or sites altogether, so here goes...

We're going to be one of the biggest social event/wedding planners in the NJ/NY area.

There. I said it. And by "we're," I mean my husband and I. Yep, you read that right. Together, we decided to start No Limit Events, LLC in 2009 and, with just a few more tweaks, we'll be able to "open doors" at the end of this month!

So... what are we about? We're about providing you with top-notch planning and consulting for your social event. I'm specifically certified as a wedding planner, but we certainly don't shy away from showers, surprise parties, etc. While I deal mostly with brides and, who I'd call "party planners" of all types, Justin deals with grooms ("the guys"), and fabricates custom items for parties/weddings! You can check out all the good stuff at our website ;)

Mostly, you'll "hear" from me. You'll get all sorts of tips and tricks within our posts! I'll talk about everything involving weddings to fun, DIY party favors to some serious "Dear Abby" stuff for parties! But, you'll get the occassional blog from Justin (gulp), too. His contributions to the blog could entail anything and everything from how to create a beautiful, DIY keepsake box to tips and tricks for future grooms!

So, for today, I'll close with this: THANK YOU. Thanks for reading our quick little intro and maybe you can fit us into you schedule once in a while and catch up with us! (Sarcasm removed from that-I know what it's like to "juggle," if you get what I mean.)

Warmest wishes & love,

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