Saturday, March 6, 2010

Etiquette: Certainly NOT Dated

How many of you have been bumped into, without an "excuse me" following that?
How about holding the door for someone, without a "thank you" that follows?

It seems that more and more, people are ignoring the simplest in etiquette and common courtesy. And, after suffering a hard hit from being rudely bumped into (no, I didn't hear excuse me)... enough is enough!

I know we all lead hectic and different lives.  Some of us work 8 hours a day, others work closer to 12 if not more. We can walk around in a daze sometimes, but still, I'm a strong advocate that a little common courtesy and politeness can go a long way. I like to call it the mirror effect.  If you smile at someone, chances are they'll smile back.  Or, at the very least, loosen the tight-mouthed expression.  I'm a firm believer in "service with a smile"...even when it seems impossible.

The same etiquette principles apply to a wedding. My VIP clients get access to all sorts of valuable knowledge, but I'm going to share a few tidbits with you.  It's important to understand that you need to treat your vendors the way you want to be treated. (Remember that old saying?)  Your vendors are there to provide you with the best service and value available to you. And, most importantly, you are the host of your party! You also need to set the example for your guests and show off those well-mannered skills you have. How beautiful can a wedding be with a bride who's yelling at her vendors and family?

So to keep this short and sweet: be nice. Say "thank you". Say "your welcome". Don't let etiquette die out. Otherwise we'll be left with stale attitudes all around us.

Warmest wishes and love,

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Gabriela is the partner and certified wedding/special event consultant for No Limit Events LLC as well as the main writer for the company blog, No Limit Events LLC: Bloggin’ It. She enjoys sharing fun and unique wedding ideas, which include helpful wedding and party related posts, inspirational photos and advice for those planning special celebrations. Gabriela lives in New Jersey with her husband and business partner, Justin, and their 2 lovable cats. Planning a luxurious wedding or special party? Please visit her blog and website for specials and helpful advice.
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