Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
I cannot believe we're just about to close out 2011. For us, it's been an amazing year and we hope it's been a memorable one for you as well. Our company continues to grow, thanks to so many of you. We continue to learn, laugh, love and grow together and as individuals.
We wanted to share with you our new holiday card for this year and thank you for getting to know us throughout this year. We hope to bring you more inspiration, laughter and some good ol' smiles throughout 2012!
To a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year...
Justin & Gabriela
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Gabriela is the partner and certified wedding/special event consultant for No Limit Events LLC as well as the main writer for the company blog, No Limit Events LLC: Bloggin’ It. She enjoys sharing fun and unique wedding ideas, which include helpful wedding and party related posts, inspirational photos and advice for those planning special celebrations. Gabriela lives in New Jersey with her husband and business partner, Justin, and their 2 lovable cats. Planning a luxurious wedding or special party? Please visit her blog and website for specials and helpful advice.
I cannot believe we're just about to close out 2011. For us, it's been an amazing year and we hope it's been a memorable one for you as well. Our company continues to grow, thanks to so many of you. We continue to learn, laugh, love and grow together and as individuals.
We wanted to share with you our new holiday card for this year and thank you for getting to know us throughout this year. We hope to bring you more inspiration, laughter and some good ol' smiles throughout 2012!
To a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year...
Justin & Gabriela
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Gabriela is the partner and certified wedding/special event consultant for No Limit Events LLC as well as the main writer for the company blog, No Limit Events LLC: Bloggin’ It. She enjoys sharing fun and unique wedding ideas, which include helpful wedding and party related posts, inspirational photos and advice for those planning special celebrations. Gabriela lives in New Jersey with her husband and business partner, Justin, and their 2 lovable cats. Planning a luxurious wedding or special party? Please visit her blog and website for specials and helpful advice.
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