Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Help! I've been asked to be MOH!

Okay. Don't panic. Your closest girl has asked you to be her head chica in her wedding. Now, I'm not going to lie.  Those "maids of horrors," you've heard of do exist. They put a damper on the special journey for a bride and groom and it really is unfortunate. 

But guess what? Relax. Yes you've got a H-U-G-E responsibility to your friend or sister, but you're going to fill that role so perfectly!

Here's a few simple tips to keep your head straight and act as the perfect, top maid!:
  • Get to know the other bridesmaids. This is really important. You're all sharing an important part in your friends' life and have a special role in her wedding. You're all different young women, with different ideas on how to help. As MOH, you have to get to know each one and get their minds thinking of ways to help--under your direction. You have to provide the parameters. If you say "let's all think of some ideas for a bridal shower," you could end up with all sorts of ideas and possibly hurt a lot of feelings. Instead, it's better to come up with the framework (that is, of course, what a MOH should do!) and say "I know "Emma" loves XYZs restaurant, maybe we can host a shower there. What do you think?"
  • Get a binder. Seriously. If not, you should have good e-management. Contact names, addresses and phone numbers for the brides' mother, maids, the groom and the best man are essential. You've got to be your girl's "right hand (wo)man" and you've got be organized. I expect to see the week of the wedding to be highlighted & circled (at the very least the day of!)!
  • Welcome the PhD in you. Get ready to be a consoler, a mediator, a decider and fashion consultant (I'm sure I'm missing more).  Remember to keep your cool.  This is an exhilerating and stressful event for the bride and she needs everyone to keep their cool around her. Even when it can seem impossible. ( Just think: One day it could be her turn. >;) jk.)
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Gabriela is the partner and certified wedding/special event consultant for No Limit Events LLC as well as the main writer for the company blog, No Limit Events LLC: Bloggin’ It. She enjoys sharing fun and unique wedding ideas, which include helpful wedding and party related posts, inspirational photos and advice for those planning special celebrations. Gabriela lives in New Jersey with her husband and business partner, Justin, and their 2 lovable cats. Planning a luxurious wedding or special party? Please visit her blog and website for specials and helpful advice.

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