Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What'cha got in that purse, lady?

I've always wondered what other women carried around in their purse.  Didn't you? I mean, as a woman, I know that some handbags can look like a small apartment for 4.  And yet others astonish me. Seriously, how do you even fit your cell in that thing?!

So as this is going on my head, I always end up wondering...what'cha got in that purse, lady?

This week I've been rockin' a shopper's kind of bag, this one actually from Victoria's Secret:


I've dumped everything onto my desk (as you can see below...yikes!) and here's what I've got:

  • Daily Planner (even though I rarely look at this thing...I rely on my BB calendar)
  • Wallet
  • Makeup pouch containing mascara, eye liner, my fav lipstick/gloss shade, my neutral eyeshadow as backup, and my favorite Palmer's lip butter in dark chocolate and peppermint..oh yeah!
  • House Keys
  • Car Keys
  • Nail groming kit
  • iPod Touch
  • Hand cream
  • A packet of Aleve
  • Cavalli Sunglass case (yes, that orange thing also serves as a weapon. Watch out Mondays! lol)
  • Cell phone
  • And a mini purple brush/mirror (great for on the go!)
And when husby and I are going to dinner or to a special event I usually prefer to switch into a clutch or small handbag. That's when the "eenie meenie miney mo" come into play... What do bring? What to leave behind? But what if I need my nail grooming kit... and what about... (as my husby rolls his eyes and looks down at his watch...)

So, what do YOU carry in your purse? Lug around anything completely out of the ordinary? Share your list below! C'mon...you already know I'm curious! ;)

Bonus: Doing this actually made me realize that although the office and personal space are well organized, my purse is a damn disaster! Shoppers bags (as I'm sure you're probably aware) are good for quick and on-the-go day trips, but that's about it. 

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Gabriela is the partner and certified wedding/special event consultant for No Limit Events LLC as well as the main writer for the company blog, No Limit Events LLC: Bloggin’ It. She enjoys sharing fun and unique wedding ideas, which include helpful wedding and party related posts, inspirational photos and advice for those planning special celebrations. Gabriela lives in New Jersey with her husband and business partner, Justin, and their 2 lovable cats. Planning a luxurious wedding or special party? Please visit her blog and website for specials and helpful advice.


  1. I have a pretty small purse. I carry my wallet,my phone,and eco-bag just in case I go shopping(it rolls up very small...i love it!) my keys, and lipstick. that's it :)

  2. My purse is big and you know what happens when you have a big one, you stuff more things in it for whatever excuse you want to give to your friends. I have my wallet, checkbook (for what reason, I do not know, since I use checks very rarely), extra wallet style holder for my business cards, gift cards, moist wipes just in case the public bathrooms do not have either type of paper products, a brush, chapstick, lip gloss, 3 pens, iPod touch, Blackberry, Starbucks Via Vanilla, Business card holder, pair of earrings,band-aid and Extra gum. Who needs to lift weights?


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