Monday, December 19, 2011

No Limit Events' First Annual Holiday Toy Drive...Success!

As many of you may know, Justin and I decided to dedicate our first annual holiday toy drive to the Children's Center at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center in Newark, NJ back in October when we first announced our drive.

This morning we were able to drop off all the toys and games to the hospital's Children Center (Coordinator: Anne Riley).  Thanks to so many of you who decided to contribute and help us bring smiles, we're able to bring HUGE smiles to kids throughout the hospital!

We had everything from coloring books to crayons/markers, to beanie babies to stuffed polar bears, to legos and barbie dolls and more!  Thanks to all our support and a few other gracious donors, they have an entire utility storage closet FULL of toys and games to be shared not only during this holiday season, but for the rest of the year as they need to!

Special thanks to the following thoughtful contributors to this year's drive:
If I've missed anyone, forgive me! We had a lot of gracious donors like you and have honestly been overwhelmed by all the amazing support. Note that any oversight on my part stops there.  The hospital, again, is beyond appreciative for every little gift we've brought.

Again, THANK YOU! We cannot wait to be Santa's elves next year again and look forward to your support in 2012.

Have a wonderful holiday, stay warm, be merry and be sure to laugh and love a lot!

Justin & Gabriela

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Gabriela is the partner and certified wedding/special event consultant for No Limit Events LLC as well as the main writer for the company blog, No Limit Events LLC: Bloggin’ It. She enjoys sharing fun and unique wedding ideas, which include helpful wedding and party related posts, inspirational photos and advice for those planning special celebrations. Gabriela lives in New Jersey with her husband and business partner, Justin, and their 2 lovable cats. Planning a luxurious wedding or special party? Please visit her blog and website for specials and helpful advice.

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